
Tuesday 20 August 2013

Arty Farty-ness

Just a quick little post today…

In our art lessons a while back, we had the option to create a design to print on a t-shirt of our choice. I had so much fun doing this that I thought I’d show you all the designs I created...

The first top I designed was inspired by Talia Castellano’s infamous saying. I grew up watching Finding Nemo and it is probably my most favourite film… ever! I love the saying and the meaning behind it. Rest in Peace Talia.

My friend Lucy and I (who you may have seen in a previous blog post) both printed these cutesy tops to be matching- so much for being unique! hahaha. As good friends most often do, we have SO many matching items (tops, bags, underwear, makeup, books- you get the gist!) and we had no problem adding another to the collection! We chose ‘Double the Trouble’ because during the many many moments we are together, trouble is definitely coming in all ways possible!

I loved making them and hopefully am going to find a way to print shirts like this at home!

until next time xxx

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